Why us?
We evaluate and solve the IT problems reported in the shortest time possible.
With us you can be sure you have a stable IT infrastructure without unintended IT incidents.
The reported IT problems are resolved quickly and with the help of our ticketing system you can keep track of your organizations IT problems and solutions.
Who we are?
Using our over 9 years of experience in multinational companies and over 10 years as IT service providers, we can offer you the best techniques to maximize the uptime and the performance of your IT equipments, servers.
What we do?
Our services include a suite of tools and best practices for managing Linux Servers and Windows Servers, computer networks. We offer IT outsourcing to companies who want a stable and secure IT infrastructure.
Our IT Services
- Linux Server Administration (AlmaLinux, CentOS, Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, etc.);
- Windows Server Administration;
- Computer network administration;
- 24X7 Monitoring for server's hardware, server services and active network equipment;
- Proactive maintenance of IT infrastructure and IT problem prevention;
- Managing and deploying Antivirus, Firewall and Anti-Spam solutions;
- Patch management and software updates;
- Backup Processes and Online Backup ;
- IT consulting, design and implementation of IT solutions;
- Professional IT Helpdesk;
- Consulting in procurement of Information Technology products;
- IT Outsourcing and Computer Services;
- Hardware and software maintenance of IT equipment;
- Remote interventions for all clients and on-site interventions for Brasov clients;
Our Clients
GW Crossmedia (NL)
Cu o experiență vastă de peste două decenii, GW Crossmedia (parte a VISMA) a devenit un lider în domeniul arhivării web…
S.C. PRO SOFT S.R.L., distribuitor regional Ursus, Bergenbier, Borsec, Alexandrion, Cotnari, Jidvei, Recas, Coca Cola etc
Firma PLAMETCO fabrica astazi "de la A la Z" standuri de prezentare, mobilier comercial, scolar si metalic, rafturi metalice, accesorii si…
RSF Industrie
RSF Industrie este o companie privata cu capital francez, care se afla pe piata constructiilor metalice din 2005. Compania se remarca…
Este service Autorizat Dacia oferind servicii de mecanica, tinichigerie, vopsitorie si ITP.
Structural detailing
Este o firma specializată în detalierea cladirilor din structuri metalice, desene de montaj care respectă standardele personalizate ale clienților, menținând în…
Maple Industries
Sucursala din Brasov ofera servicii de detaliere de structuri metalice in diferite programe specifice.
Graphic Open Systems
Compania noastra va pune la dispozitie produse de calitate ca utilaje tipografice. Compania are o bogata experienta pe piata din Romania.…
Axxon Composites
Producator de catarge pentru iahturi. Calitatea și performanța unui catarg de carbon și a unui boom depinde de concepția sa, dar…
Echipa Makro Mikro Consulting GmbH este experta in recrutare de personal calificat. Ofera servicii de: recrutare de personal calificat in functie…
TM Graphics Inc.
Detaliere structuri metalice din Spartanburg S.U.A.
Frima îsi desfăsoară activitatea în toate zonele tării, deservind în principal societăti comerciale si agenti economici din domeniul constructiilor, realizând o…
New Properties
Dezvoltatorul proiectului imobiliar de succes Green Valley revine cu noul proiect rezidential Green Park Villas. Dezvoltatorul proiectului imobiliar Green Park Villas…
About us
Our goal is to meet your IT needs in the ever growing IT industry by providing you good quality IT services. We can be your IT professionals, your IT department, complete your Information Technology department as IT Manager, simple IT specialists, or provide Informatique consultancy in planning and implementing your IT projects.